"I don't know what to wear" overwhelm, and start tapping into the most useful style-tool available: Pinterest.
Inside this training I'm giving you the cheat codes I use every single day, to run a fashion-based business that teaches women all over the world how to identify their style - using Pinterest. You'll learn:
- Why you absolutely must be using Pinterest if you're serious about transforming your style.
- How to use it effectively. No, it's not just about looking at cute outfit photos!
- What to do with all the ideas you save. A Pinterest board on its own is no use if you don't take action.

Inside this 90 minute training, I'm teaching you all the cheat codes I use every single day in my personal styling business!
Here's what you will learn inside the FREE 90-minute Pinterest Insider training:
- The difference between understanding your style conceptually, and being able to create a clear vision of what your style actually is. Spoiler alert: the vision changes everything!
- The 6 biggest mistakes women are making on Pinterest, and why their boards never help them get any better at style. Plus how to fix them so that you can start using Pinterest properly!
- My proven process for finding the photos that support your style development. Not just celebrity style you'd never actually wear.
- The exact strategies I use every single day in my personal styling business, with real client examples so that you can see how it works. I'm not gate-keeping anything!

I'm Jordan!
In case you don't know me, I'm a Celebrity Stylist turned Personal Stylist, on a mission to transform the way women show up in their lives.
I am the Founder of MiKADO, a virtual personal styling firm, that focuses on eliminating the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress.
I also lead Unlock Your Signature Style and Uncover Your Style Blueprint - two comprehensive live group training programs for women all over the world, who want to learn the step-by-step process for building a wardrobe that truly represents who they are.
I've spent the last decade teaching people how to implement simple style strategies, in order to generate massive style results - and I'm so excited to do the same for you during this training!
Let's go :)