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If you can't master your ability to seamlessly structure your wardrobe, how do you ever expect to dress with ease? 



Structure your style for lasting success so that the EASE you desire in your wardrobe...is inevitable!

The Edit is an online style course designed to help you establish a solid wardrobe foundation, by teaching you how to implement must-know closet editing practices, and intentionally shop for the clothing you actually need.

Most women aren't where they want to be in their style, because they lack the structured approach required to get them there.

Why a Structured Approach to Style is Responsible for Your Ability to Effortlessly Dress Well


Having an actual style, means having a way to achieve and maintain that style.

There's no way around it.

I see women resist this fact for far too long. They're so certain that as women, they're supposed to just "know what they're doing", and so they never learn.

So much so that they keep doing more of what they've always done......only to further instill the belief that style is overwhelming and expensive to maintain.

Sound familiar?

It can take years (even decades) before they realize how much you can dramatically decrease the overwhelm and the overspend when you simply understand and learn how to implement a structured approach.

And here's a helpful hint:

When your style isn't working....it's rarely that you're NOT GOOD AT STYLE.

Have you ever considered that the reason it feels like a struggle to dress well, is because there's a method to maintaining an effortless sense of style and you haven't (yet!) learned what it is?

Nobody is "bad" at style. They're simply missing a solid wardrobe foundation. 

They're missing the structure that when learned, allows anyone to dress with ease. 

"I have so many clothes and nothing to wear."

"Every time I shop I buy more of what I already have."

"I know what I like. Knowing what I need is another story."

"Closet edit? More like closet is a chaotic abyss."


...is symptomatic of a lack of structure. It's the indication of a missing foundation.

Your personal style is a BIG DEAL. It's the outer representation of who you are. So it's only natural that when it's not working properly, you'd overlook the fact that it's just a structural problem, and instead hold the limiting belief that you're "not good at it".


When you tell yourself you're "not good at" something, you give yourself permission to stay stuck in a never-ending loop of something that isn't working...

Ignoring your opportunity to learn a better way.

A lack of structure in your style is like the elephant in the room... the more you ignore it, the bigger it gets!

And maybe you too have been guilty of the "just-ignore-it-strategy" in the past? I know I have!

You hope that if you ignore the overwhelm, the uncertainty, the confusion...

It will magically go away.

To which I will ask...

how's that working for your style?!

Think about it like this: how do you ever expect to dress with ease when you can't make sense of what's already hanging in your closet, and lack the certainty in knowing what you actually need to shop for?

You won't! Because this foundational understanding is what develops the ability to dress with ease in the first place...

Instead, I see women struggling with their style using what I call...










Which unfortunately never turns out well, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Instead of learning how to build an intentional foundation that supports their goals, women will:

  • Choose Quantity over Quality: Continuously buying MORE clothes in hopes that these will be the clothes that finally make their wardrobe complete. They waste A LOT of money in the process, and ultimately end up with more of what they already have.
  • Wear the Same Few Pieces: Because they can't make sense of what works and doesn't work in their closet. And who has time to search through the chaos each morning when there's kids to be fed and a job to go to? May as well just wear the same thing.
  • Follow a Million Influencers: And hope they can patchwork-content their way to a confident relationship with style....all the while not having any clue as to how said-influencer achieves and maintains that style.  
  • Tell Themselves, "ONE DAY": Women are smart, they know that their style should feel easy and effortless. And so they tell themselves that "one day" (when the kids are gone, they lose the weight, they have a better job)....they will learn. But "one day" gets pushed forever.

This may "get the job done" for a while. Heck, it may even be the strategy you've used your whole life. But do you want to just get the job done, or do you want to feel like your style is built off of an intentional foundation.

The truth is:

The Hope + Prayer Strategy WILL NEVER Allow You to Get Dressed with Ease 

Which means your style will always feel more complicated and overwhelming than it's supposed to. An added stressor, rather than a tool that sets you up for success.

I KNOW that if you're reading this far, then you KNOW your relationship with style should be easier.

You know there's women in your life who've figured it out...but if you're unwilling to try a new approach, how will you ever become one of them? 

Because trust me when I say, every woman you've seen who has mastered her relationship with style has a structured approach to implementing and maintaining it.

What is a Structured Approach?

You'll quickly notice that my definition of a structured approach, offers a completely new way of understanding how you empower yourself through this work.

It is a step-by-step action plan you intentionally put into place, in order to streamline your day-to-day style goals, and maintain a working-wardrobe that supports you, and your lifestyle.

It is not a generic list of things you "have to do" to be stylish. Or things you "must buy" to look trendy. 

It is a personalized process you use in accordance with your unique goals, to eliminate the guesswork, amplify the efficiency, and ensure your style-success is....inevitable!

It works like this...

Women have a desire to feel good about the way they present themselves. What that ultimately looks like is 100% subjective, and based upon her unique taste. She knows that when she feels her best, it not only comes across in the way other people perceive her, but also in the way she perceives herself.

Real Life

Women have real lives to tend to: children to feed, careers to maintain, homes to upkeep and so on. While the desire for personal style is present, life often has a way of preventing that style from looking or feeling like what she hoped for and so her relationship with the way she dresses becomes a pain point.

Structured Appraoch
Instead of resigning herself to the belief that style has to feel time consuming and difficult, she learns to build processes into her wardrobe, that helps automate her day-to-day goals. As a result, her closet serves her, she dresses well with ease, and when she needs to shop - she knows exactly what to buy.

It's time you FINALLY learn how to structure your style for lasting success, so that the ease you desire in your wardrobe is inevitable!



Inside this online style course, you will learn the required systems every woman must have in place, in order to create an intentional relationship with the way she gets dressed and maintain a wardrobe that supports her.

By the end of The Edit, you will:

1: Uncover Your Blocks

You will identify and dismantle the mindset blocks you've been holding on to for years (possibly decades), that have been preventing you from allowing ease into wardrobe and shopping.

2: Set Up Your Closet

Finally discover WHAT actually belongs in your well-structured closet, and HOW to identify the items to get rid of. Hint: if you've done a closet edit in the past with lackluster results, you're about to see why.

3: Itemize Your Wardrobe 

No more guessing what you need. You will learn the very intentional process of itemizing the pieces that make up your unique style, and then cross referencing with what's currently in your closet, so that you know exactly what's missing.

4: Map Your Shopping

Once you're ready to shop, there will be no doubt in your mind about what to buy and where to start. You will understand how to strategically fill in the gaps in your closet, and shop based off of a "priority scoring" system.

Most of all, The Edit offers you the exact process you need to actually build a solid wardrobe foundation.

Gone are the mornings of standing in your closet in continual overwhelm, stress, and disdain trying to put together an outfit you feel great in, unable to find the clothes that support you. If you're ready to feel in control and want an easy-to-understand and implementable process to follow, so that your style can soar, The Edit was designed with you in mind.

See why so many women transform their style when they FOLLOW my approach!

Claire Elyse

"I got stuck in the leggings and T-shirt rut, and this work was the hammer that broke through my chains and breathed new life into me. I feel amazing, rejuvenated and recharged!!! I feel like my old self again, proud of my body, and more confident in my clothing. Jordan is the best teacher and the other women in the group are also so amazing."

Lyne Labrose

"Everything changed and I appreciate who I am now. When I get dress in the morning I feel happy joyful and confident. Jordan has an approach that puts you into your confidence. Her way of teaching makes it so easy to understand. I am so grateful that I joined, and never questioned my decision. It’s the best gift a woman can give to herself."

Lily Heiss

"The way Jordan teaches style makes it so easy to not only understand, but also implement. She always follows a really simple process that helps you get going immediately. I never felt like style was taught for women like me until I joined her programs and listened to her tell me over and over, of course it's for you. The results have been nothing short of extraordinary."

Enroll in The Edit TODAY!

If you're ready to structure your style for lasting success so that the ease you desire in your wardrobe is inevitable - let's get started today!


Instance access to The Edit when you enroll:




Bundle The Edit + USB together and save 60%

reg $794.00


The Cyber Monday Promotion includes enrollment into my two sister programs: Uncover Your Style Blueprint (reg. $397) + The Edit (reg. $397).

Your purchase also comes a BONUS Live Group Coaching Call for Q+A, hot seats, and discussions about the program content. (bonus value: $495.00)



The 6 trainings (+ BONUS!) waiting for you inside The Edit:



Set the stage for what lies ahead in our time together, by reviewing your unique personal style, mapping out exactly what it's comprised of, meeting your Editor, and understanding the Left Brain vs Right Brain components of this work. I'll even be walking you through a very powerful visualization exercise.



Before we're able to create your solid wardrobe foundation, we must first identify the blocks getting in your way. I'll outline the most common obstacles I've watched women face in my 13 years as a Personal Stylist, in order to help you narrow in on the thought patters not serving you, and replace them with more empowering beliefs.



By the third training we're ready to tackle your closet, so that we can structure it for proper use and functionality. I will teach you the exact 10 Step Process that must be followed in order to execute a proper closet edit - this is the exact same process I use in my private consulting. You'll be able to recognize why attempts you've made in the past never stuck.



In order to decide exactly what to keep and get rid of in your wardrobe, I'll teach you the Anatomy of a Fully Functioning Closet. You'll learn exactly how to make decisions on every single piece you own - including what to do when you've had a size change, and how to use psychological questioning to reach simple conclusions.



It's one thing to edit your closet, it's another to easily maintain it. By training 5 you'll be ready to incorporate the must-use habits that ensure everything in your closet gets worn, has a home, and a purpose. We'll look future-forward, schedule intermittent tasks, so that the maintenance takes care of itself on automation.



As the name suggests, our final training is all about shopping. And this one is a critical one! You'll uncover the 8 Habits of Intentional Shoppers, plus how to correct any buying mistakes you've been making. We'll come up with a plan for your shopping using the Priority Scoring System, so you know exactly what you need to buy, and when.


Manifest Your Style Makeover Training Series

Your enrollment into The Edit also comes with the 2-part Manifest Your Style Makeover Training Series. This workshop is all about gaining momentum, understanding the big picture of your style, and catapulting yourself into action immediately.


I'm Jordan!

If there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s this:

Style that feels like a well-oiled machine is the result of having the right structures in place.

And if you've ever attended one of my live trainings, you’ve heard me say my infamous go-to phrase…"that it’s the structure and strategy you use in your style that dictates the confidence you feel in your clothes.”

Here’s how I know this to be true:

Pre-pandemic, I operated a concierge personal shopping business, providing white-glove styling services to clients in their homes, on their schedules. Whatever they needed, it was handled (literally….not a single thing was off limits).

When 2020 rolled around, and in-person services were no longer operable (not to mention every single person was basking in their WFH era and definitely didn’t need a Stylist), that business was obsolete over night.

Things had to change, and they had to change quickly, if it meant continuing to work in the industry I’d already spent a decade in.

Through a very dark chapter, and so many lessons learned along the way I could write a book on failure, I sit here 4 years later, having taught thousands of women how to do what I used to do for my clients.

Educating incredible humans all over the world on the foundational principals that apply to each and every one of us, regardless of what our unique sense of style looks like.

Foundational principals that when followed correctly, will allow any woman to become her own Personal Stylist.

You see, the ability to dress with ease, consistently come up with outfits, build a wardrobe that supports your lifestyle, be smart about where you’re investing your money - it’s ALL the result of a structured approach to style.

It’s not uncommon to look at well-dressed women and assume they're just blessed with the style gene. Or scoff at celebrities and think they appear that way just because they have money.

Trust me when I tell you (and yes I spent many years as a Celebrity Stylist, so I’m telling you this based on first-hand experience), that it’s neither of those things.

The secret is in the intentional process that was put into place WAY before the clothing ever touched their bodies.

Ready to learn the process? Let’s do this!

- Jordan


I'm Jordan!

If there’s one thing I know to be true, it’s this:

Style that feels like a well-oiled machine is the result of having the right structures in place.

And if you've ever attended one of my live trainings, you’ve heard me say my infamous go-to phrase…"that it’s the structure and strategy you use in your style that dictates the confidence you feel in your clothes.”

Here’s how I know this to be true:

Pre-pandemic, I operated a concierge personal shopping business, providing white-glove styling services to clients in their homes, on their schedules. Whatever they needed, it was handled (literally….not a single thing was off limits).

When 2020 rolled around, and in-person services were no longer operable (not to mention every single person was basking in their WFH era and definitely didn’t need a Stylist), that business was obsolete over night.

Things had to change, and they had to change quickly, if it meant continuing to work in the industry I’d already spent a decade in.

Through a very dark chapter, and so many lessons learned along the way I could write a book on failure, I sit here 4 years later, having taught thousands of women how to do what I used to do for my clients.

Educating incredible humans all over the world on the foundational principals that apply to each and every one of us, regardless of what our unique sense of style looks like.

Foundational principals that when followed correctly, will allow any woman to become her own Personal Stylist.

You see, the ability to dress with ease, consistently come up with outfits, build a wardrobe that supports your lifestyle, be smart about where you’re investing your money - it’s ALL the result of a structured approach to style.

It’s not uncommon to look at well-dressed women and assume they're just blessed with the style gene. Or scoff at celebrities and think they appear that way just because they have money.

Trust me when I tell you (and yes I spent many years as a Celebrity Stylist, so I’m telling you this based on first-hand experience), that it’s neither of those things.

The secret is in the intentional process that was put into place WAY before the clothing ever touched their bodies.

Ready to learn the process? Let’s do this!

- Jordan

I want YOUR transformation to be next!

Diana Maria Webb

"My breakthroughs were around body acceptance right now. I feel much better about giving to myself and investing the time in myself. I feel confident that I can create and maintain the look that makes me feel like my best, bravest, self in my style."

Miranda Durbin

"The best part was working on my mindset and self-confidence, and how it relates to my every day life. I had a good relationship with style coming in, but benefitted from understanding the mental blocks I was having. Without this, there won't be any change in your relationship with clothes/style."

Maryann Reid

"I feel blessed to have worked with Jordan! She is a blessing in so many ways. And so generous. 

I now have clarity on my style and what I need/when I need it, helping me plan a head and save time."

The Edit also comes with lots of organizational resources to support you!

I'm about as type-A as they come, which means any organizational resource I can think of...I provide to my students! Inside The Edit, you will find:

  • Your Student Portal: where all of your materials will live.
  • The Signature Wardrobe Guide: itemize every single piece that belongs in your wardrobe in order to bring your style to life (if you've ever dreamt of a personal capsule wardrobe, this is it!).
  • The Rewire Blocks Work Book: identify and rewire mindset blocks currently getting in the way of you reaching your style goals.
  • The Personalized Shopping List: map out exactly what's missing in your closet, and how to prioritize your shopping, so that you're investing in what your wardrobe actually needs.

Here are answers to the questions I'm most commonly asked about The Edit:

Enroll in The Edit TODAY!

