Drop the Resistance and Step Into Your Personal Power

This is not a "how-to" style program.

It's an: activate-your-greatest-potential program.... personal style included.

Courageously Confident was designed with one purpose: to clear your path of resistance, so that you can fully access the power that's already within you.

I'm not going to teach you more style concepts, and we're not going to watch additional trainings.

This is the mindset rewire behind the lasting transformation of the courageously confident woman, and we're spending 31 days going on this journey together.


You can learn all the style concepts, watch all the trainings, and still second guess what you're doing.

You can actually FULLY understand what you're doing and STILL put on the same outfits you know don't make you feel your best. Default to the same choices that keep you staying safe. Worry about the same opinions of others that prevent you from acting on your goals.....because there's more to the story of confidence than just style concepts. And additional trainings aren't going to change that reality.

And I hope that gives you some relief.

If where you currently are, in style or in life, is not fully where you want to be, despite continuously putting in the work...

You've got some thoughts, beliefs and patterns....AKA resistance....blocking you from creating the reality you desire.

Thoughts like:

  • "I'm just never going to feel accepting of this body."
  • "I missed my chance in life. It's too late."
  • "Confidence is an experience reserved for women much different than me."
  • "Being perfect is equal to being worthy. I have to work harder."
  • "I can't maintain my momentum. I make progress then get overwhelmed."
  • "I'm constantly faced with the awareness that I'm not where I want to be in life."

If this sounds familiar - it's not for a lack of effort. My guess is that you're actually exhausted from efforting so hard.

PSA: there's more to the story.

So what exactly is it? What's going on here?

Imagine you cup both hands together, and inside your hands you place a compass designed to guide you throughout your life.

This isn't an ordinary compass. This compass operates off of thoughts and beliefs you've picked up along your lived-experience path, which for many of us are filled with fears, doubts, and judgments of self, all of which are then guiding the compass in the very direction you don't want to go.

It doesn't matter how much trying, efforting or concept-learning you keep yourself accountable to, when your hands are holding this faulty compass.

Now here's the other thing you need to know about this compass. It wants to lead you in the direction of your desires, and it has the full ability to do so....but not with your current thoughts and beliefs getting in the way.

Which means your job isn't to do more.

It's to release the resistance of what you're currently holding, so that the compass can do what it's always known how to do.

Once you see that the transformation you're looking for is a mental one; that this isn't actually about doing more, but about releasing more so that you can then let more in...

You will step into a level of confidence within yourself that on many levels, you've always known was possible.

Does this sound like you?

  • You've been working on yourself and your style, gaining more clarity than ever before, but you're still not hitting your potential and you know more is possible for your life.
  • You set big goals but put so much pressure on yourself that fear and overwhelm stop you from taking action. 
  • You gain momentum but struggle to sustain it, falling back into old patterns instead of staying in a state of motivation.
  • You notice similar mindset blocks showing up across all areas of your life. Style, business, relationships, finance - the same obstacles keep getting in your way.

This is EXACTLY how I felt before I learned how confidence actually works. That it's NOT something you're born with, but a characteristic you BUILD.



Drop the Resistance and Step Into Your Personal Power

Courageously Confident is a 31-day audio activation program, designed to show you that the experience of yourself, and your life, you're seeking is already within you. Our work is to look within, and draw your power out.

No style concepts, no trainings to watch. This is the mindset rewire behind the lasting transformation of the courageously confident woman.

Clear Your Path to Access the Power Already Within You
Take Full Ownership of What You Want for Your Life
Courageously Step Into the Next Level of Your Evolution

Here's EXACTLY How It Works:

31 Unique Audio Activations

Each day a new mindset rewire to integrate into your life.

  • 14+ total hours of transformational audio content.
  • Designed to help you gain momentum and stay in an empowered state. 
  • Easy to listen to on the go, and come back to for on-going motivation.
31 Reflection + Action Prompts

To be used in conjunction with the individual audio activations.

  • Mini action steps, reflection questions and journal prompts.
  • For the purpose of holding yourself accountable.
  • Included with each audio, corresponding to the unique topic.
Community for Ongoing Support

A positive space to do this work with other likeminded students.

  • Private Facebook community with amazing women. 
  • Post your questions, challenges, and breakthroughs.
  • Cheer on your fellow students in a high-vibe space.

Some topics we'll be covering in the 31 audio activations:

  • You're not missing the courage gene.

  • Confidence is built through small actions, backed by strong belief.

  • Creating an intentional life on your own terms.

  • Tapping into the potential you've been holding yourself back from.

  • Overcoming perfectionism, fear, and doubt.

  • The key to getting ahead is feeling good and finding excitement.

  • Taking ownership of your life. It's all YOU!

  • Clearing the opinions of others.

  • "I don't actually deserve what I desire." Your inherent worthiness.

  • Language that leads to personal power.

  • and so much more!

Courageously Confident is not about:

Being more, doing more, or learning more.

It's about surrendering to who you truly are right now: love, joy, and inherent worthiness....then experiencing the remarkable state of being that results from intentionally creating life on your own terms.

It matters not one bit what anyone else thinks.

It only matters what you think.

And in my experience, we've all been thinking some erroneous, highly limiting thoughts (aka beliefs) about ourselves, our potential, and how the world works.

You see, what you think about is what you get. You are the creator of your reality after all.

So if what you're getting is similar to what I was getting before I started studying my own mind: struggle with finances, poor health, not feeling good enough, discord in relationships, and just the knowing that I was supposed to be happier.....then quite frankly it's time to change the story. 

Or as we discuss in Courageously Confident, it's time to produce a new movie. Because you are producing the current one....in fact you're also writing it, casting it, directing it, AND staring in it. And if you're standing where I was when I started this journey, you're also calling for the re-runs day after day, staying in an unending loop of the same plot line. 

Everyone's movie has the potential for a happy ending. In fact everyone gets a happily-ever-after plot line each day....IF they decide that they do. It all comes down to your decision. Not your circumstances. Everything comes down to what you decide to think.

You cannot want a happy life but believe in complete contradiction with having it.

Meaning you cannot desire to wake up in a state of confidence, health and abundance, while at the same time believing you're unworthy of having those things, and thinking thoughts of lack and scarcity.

You want to be happy? You have to believe in happiness FOR you, standing exactly where you're standing right now. 

Life, as I will show you in this work, is not something that's coming at you. Not when you really understand how your mind works.

Life is an endless stream of possibility and potential....all earmarked with your name on it.

Here are some wins from the Courageously Confident family!

Julie Macklin

"These 31 days of joy and enlightenment are worth every minute of time spent listening. No matter if you have a clear understanding of who you are and how you handle things, there is so much tremendous learning.

Courageously Confident is filled with thought provoking conversation. I believe Jordan could easily have this transcribed into a book and sell it! I loved every minute of all she had to say. "

Kim Henry

"I cannot recommend CC enough. This content is mind blowing!! You have to be willing to do the work, but I assure you, it is life altering!! I’m constantly replaying the audios as they give me the motivation needed to continue to take desired and aligned action towards my goals.

Honestly, everyone would benefit from taking this program. The world would be a better place if we all looked at life the way Jordan does and is teaching throughout this program!"

Cheryl Hutchinson

"Absolutely 100% life changing! No exaggeration, Jordan’s course is the REAL life-altering deal. I know a lot about mindset—I’ve even taught it on international platforms—so I wasn’t sure I could learn much more. Delightedly, I was wrong! Jordan’s course BLEW me away. Her daily audios inspired me so much that I literally took over 125 pages of notes and still get new insights from reading them every day. I’m incredibly grateful to Jordan for helping me shift my life into an even happier place."

Lily Heiss

"If you know Jordan's work then you already know to prepare to have your mind blown.

Courageously Confident quite simply will change your life and how you see yourself and your role in it. I've always found myself to be a fairly happy and self-aware person. I walked out of these 31 days together with a sense of the world I've never known before.

Jordan's ability to communicate these huge concepts in an approachable way is what makes CC so special."

Laura Ault

"I am a new mindset and wellness coach. Since taking this program I've been inspired to post a video promoting my new business AND post a video of myself talking on social media for the first time ever! I'm more confident when speaking to potential clients and my website is ready to schedule sessions! I released a deep limiting belief so I feel able to create a new outcome for myself and I released resentment that I did not know was present.

I feel so deeply grateful and peaceful."

Claire Hutchinson

"If you’re on the fence about CC… just do it! I’ve always been interested in personal growth and mindset so I thought I knew a lot… and yet every single audio had new insights to play with and learn from. The wisdom and “aha” moments just never stopped! It’s even so good that I started going through the course again as soon as I had finished. And I plan to go through it again next month too! Courageously Confident is incredible and I’m not even slightly exaggerating when I say that it can change your life! "

Kendra Bohman

"This was the first coaching where I felt like I wasn't being told I was doing something wrong, but actually that I had permission to do everything right. It felt so light.

 I didn't apply the teaching to my style, but to my body and weight which have been a struggle. Every single audio made me feel empowered in my body, not shamed into why I haven't been able to lose weight.

I've found a way to include exercise for the first time in a long time that's on my terms and in a way I enjoy."

Courageously Confident: Enroll TODAY!

Includes 31 audio activations focused on different Courageously Confident topics, with corresponding reflection prompts. Plus 3 additional BONUSES.



Instant access to the entire program, plus bonuses, will be emailed to you upon enrollment. 


Plus these 3 incredible BONUSES:

Manifest Your Style Makeover

Bonus #1 value: $88.00 

2-part style training series where you'll discover how to become the creator of your ultimate style makeover, by implementing a personalized strategy, so that you can represent yourself at your fullest potential.

The USS Fresh Start Challenge

Bonus #2 value: $97.00 

Designed to challenge you to find a new mindset by considering themes like: surrender, being present, unconditional love and acceptance, joy, creativity and the inevitability of your success.

Pathways: Style and Mindset Q+A Vault

Bonus #3 value: priceless!

A growing coaching-vault of answers to the biggest style and mindset questions from the women in our community. Submit your Courageously Confident questions here, receive a personal audio answer!


Courageously Confident is designed to make the style work, stick!

This program is designed to accompany the personal style work you've already been doing.

Courageously Confident is NOT about teaching more style content (because quite frankly, I've given you every concept you could possibly need in other programs!).

I know that the women in this community are brilliant. The challenges they experience are rarely the result of not understanding concepts, but rather a block getting in the way of their fullest potential. 

The things that hold us back in style development are the exact same things that hold us back elsewhere: perfectionism, fear of judgment, belief in unworthiness, etc.

We can learn all the style concepts and all the hacks, but with blocks like these present - the style concepts won't stick. Or at the very least, they won't last.

Which is exactly why you could be really clear on what you want for your style, and still feel like you lack confidence in the way you present yourself.

A block on our path is more powerful than a style concept. A limiting belief is more powerful than an outfit hack.

Courageously Confident is designed to clear your path, so that everything you're working on in your style....can stick.

This is NOT like anything you've ever done with me. This is to be used in ADDITION to everything you're already doing!

This is the mindset rewire behind the lasting transformation of the courageously confident woman.

How it started...


I committed to an unconventional life path when I was 25, that started with a simple question:

"What would happen if I trusted the premise that anything is possible, so long as I act accordingly? NO LIMITS to my potential."

I developed a process for relating to my life,

That helped me look "reality" directly in the face and courageously focus only on the aspects I wanted.

It took me a LONG time to refine this process. If I knew at the start what I know now, things would've moved a lot faster.

But that's the entire purpose of the journey, and I can't wait to share with you what I've learned! 


  • Immigrated to a foreign country and built a career in one of the most challenging industries to break into: entertainment. 
  • Created a successful personal styling business serving a client roster of elite executives, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.
  • Rebuilt that business during the Covid pandemic, after being forced to shut down and start over. It now has almost a one-year waitlist for service!
  • Educated thousands of women all over the world on how to do what I do for my clients, for themselves.
  • Currently living in an overflowing state of happiness, fulfillment and creativity every single day.

By holding a non-negotiable standard to live by this process,

I wake up everyday to the experience of limitless potential.

While that sounds like a beautiful reality to exist in (and it is!), it's been a journey of releasing resistance and self-discovery.

I've relied on my courage every step of the way...and small progress, after small progress, developed my confidence incrementally.

Confidence, after all, is not a trait you inherit, it's a characteristic you foster through repeated action - in style, in business, and in life.

I never thought of myself as someone who WAS confident...until I understood how to BUILD confidence by leading with courage, and following a process that has never led me astray.

I've used everything I'm about to teach you to build my confidence, my business, and my life. It's shown me that any time something comes up that's blocking me from my next evolution, I have a repeatable process to fall back on to.

The same will be true for you at the end of our time together.

Ready? I've got you!

My intentions for you at the end of our 31 days together:

  • You're excited to work on yourself and your style, surrendering to the process knowing that you cannot get it wrong and there's no reason to try and be perfect.
  • You're moving towards your goals from a place of ease and excitement, not pressure and struggle.
  • You're prioritizing feeling good, over fears and doubts. Emotions are your guidance system, and you tap into the good ones daily.
  • You're powerful and certain in the choosing of what you want for your life. Desire is what's driving you, not the belief that you "have to work harder".
  • You're clear that confidence is something you build, not something you're born with, as you've watched yourself develop the confidence muscle for the last 31days straight!

These Are the Types of Things You'll Be Saying During Our 31 Days Together!