Discover the 3 foundational frameworks every woman must master (including you!) in order to build killer confidence in clothing, before ever shopping for something new.

Learn the proven system that will help you go from making the same fashion choices you've been making your entire adult life, to busting out of your comfort zone and finally dressing in a way that feels like YOU....100% for free!

  • The 3 Foundational Frameworks: that show you step-by-step, how to identify the style you actually want for yourself.
  • Built-in Exercises: that get your style-creativity flowing, and help you move into a more intentional mindset.
  • Printable Guide + Bonus Video: to help you put your style plan into action immediately.

100% FREE - simply enter your name and email!👇

What you'll receive inside your free style guide:
  • The 3 Foundational Frameworks: that every woman must master before ever shopping for new clothes. Without these, you will continue wasting money buying more of what you already have.
  • Mindset Mastery Exercises: that will help you figure out your exactly how you want to be seen and create a look that's authentically YOU. 
  • The Shop-Your-Closet Strategy: where you'll learn how to use what's already hanging in your closet to come up with entirely new outfit ideas that you haven't tried! 
  • BONUS Video: learn exactly how to use this style guide for success, from Personal Stylist, Jordan Stolch. 



Most women make the costly mistake of shopping for new clothes before they ever get clear on what their style actually is.

They spend lots of money buying more of what they already have, because they think the solution to their problem is in the clothes - if they just had something new, things would get better...or so they think.

The problem is, if you don't know the foundations of personal style first, you're destined to keep making the same fashion choices you've been making your entire adult life, never busting out of your comfort zone or leaning how to better represent yourself.

Shopping for new clothes is the last thing you should do if you're trying to figure out your style, and in the FREE guide you'll learn what to do instead!


I'm Jordan!

In case you don't know me, I'm a Celebrity Stylist turned Personal Stylist, on a mission to transform the way women show up in their lives. 

I am the Founder of MiKADO, a virtual personal styling firm, that focuses on eliminating the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress.

I've spent the last decade teaching people who to leverage a confident, put-together image, in order to open up abundant opportunities in both their personal and professional lives. And I would love to do the same for you!

If you're someone who's been hiding within yourself, making yourself smaller and less visible....or you're just ready to stop doing what hasn't been working and learn a better beautiful friend, I've got you.

In this guide, as well as all my other content, you will always find a simple, easy-to-follow and practical approach to style. Because honestly, who has time for it to be anything but easy?

The 3 steps in this guide are the same ones I teach my clients and students...and I promise, if you implement each one of them, you will see a massive transformation in your style as well :)