5-part style workshop, hosted by Jordan Stolch

I'm Going to Show You That You Really Can BE Your Own Personal Stylist

The fashion industry has sold you myths designed to keep you stuck—buying more, but never truly understanding how to build a wardrobe that works. In this workshop, we’re tearing those myths apart and replacing them with the real, practical tools every woman needs in order to create a signature style that fits her body, lifestyle and budget.

When you understand HOW style actually works, you can make informed decisions with ease...

And become your OWN Personal Stylist!


Join me inside this FREE style workshop: instant access to all 5 trainings when you register!

The LIVE version of this workshop means:

  • Direct access to my eyes and expertise on your style, outfits, and assignments.

  • Real-time feedback, support, and solutions to your biggest questions.

  • Part of an engaged group of women, all doing this work alongside you.

  • Rewards + prizes for putting in the work and taking action on your style goals!


The Stylist In-Training Workshop


I created this workshop to teach you the HOW and the WHY of developing your personal style.

To give you lifelong skills that will allow you to dress with ease....

...without needing to "buy more stuff in order to keep up". A message that the fashion industry sends us constantly.

Most women fall into the trap of thinking that their style challenges can be solved by buying MORE, following trends, or listening to what "experts" tell them they should wear.

And so that's what they do, all the while not knowing how to actually dress their body or build a wardrobe that represents them.

After 14 years of helping women develop their signature style with ease, I can say with complete certainty that the solution isn't BUYING more. It's KNOWING more.

The key is understanding what you're doing and why. It's about learning practical tools and skills that empower you to make informed decisions about what you wear.


So what does it mean to be your OWN Stylist? What does it look like to truly understand the process?

A Stylist is someone who knows how to adapt the style development process to meet the unique needs of their client.

Being your own Stylist (and trust me, it's much simpler than you think!) means adapting this process to your body, lifestyle, aesthetic and budget....in order to create a Signature Style that works for YOUR goals.

Understanding what you're doing means no more guessing. It's about knowing how to fit your body, work with you already own, create outfits, project an intentional image, and invest wisely to build a functional wardrobe.

The style industry has lead you astray. We're going to dismantle some of the biggest myths they've sold you, and uncover the simple tools to use instead.

Body Type + Fit
Proper fit solves 90% of all style challenges, yet it's the one aspect most women don’t understand. If this sounds familiar, it’s not because something’s wrong with your body or that there are no clothes that suit your shape. The issue lies in how you’ve been taught to fit your body—and we’re going to dive into why that’s the case and how to shift your perspective.
 The fashion industry tells us that to keep up and look the part, we have to constantly buy more. From their perspective, I get it—they’re in the business of selling products, not saving us money! But the truth is, until you truly understand what you're doing, buying more clothes won’t solve anything. I’ll show you what needs to happen before you even think about shopping.
All or Nothing
 Every woman, no matter her lifestyle—whether she’s a stay-at-home mom, a corporate executive, or anything in between—can have a signature style that truly represents her. Yet, if we look at fashion blogs, celebrities and social media, it often feels like only a certain type of woman is included. The truth is, there’s space for all of us!


This is exactly what you can expect when you sign up for the Stylist In-Training Workshop:

  • 5 pre-recorded style trainings, that outline the tools & strategies needed in order for any woman to become her own Personal Stylist.
  • Trainings delivered to you inside of an easy-to-use student portal, for you to watch and implement on your own time, and revisit as many times as you need. 
  • Style exercises and assignments, so that you put our work into action immediately, and build momentum on everything you're learning.
  • Private Facebook community, to post your assignments, ask me questions, and receive personal feedback on your style.

I'm Jordan!

The only difference between you and me is that I’ve spent over a decade working as a Personal Stylist, and my guess is that if you’re reading this, you don’t work in the fashion industry.

And yes, some might argue that’s a big difference, but everything I’ve learned is something you can easily master too.

The style practices I’ve honed over the past 14 years helped me build a career in the entertainment industry, launch a business styling women all over the world, and create the programs and content I share every day in our community.

Maybe you don’t walk the red carpet like some of my past clients, or sit in meetings with the President of the United States, but that doesn’t change the fact that the styling process is exactly the same for you—and it’s the same process I teach women at every stage of life.

In this workshop, I’m going to show you, from an insider's perspective, that much of what the fashion industry tells you is false. You don’t need to rely on an expert to tell you how to dress—you really can learn to be your OWN Stylist.

I know it’s common to hear this, but truly—if I can learn to do this work, so can you.

Some topics we'll cover inside the Stylist In-Training Workshop:

  • What it actually means to HAVE a Signature Style.
  • Identifying mindset blocks that may seem unrelated to style but are actually impacting the way you see yourself.
  • How to gain clarity on the image you want to project, and how to build a style that reflects that message.
  • Why conventional body type style-advice completely misses the mark for most women.
  • Classic signs of someone who doesn't understand how to choose clothing that fits their shape.
  • Why 60% of clothes in the average woman's closet go unworn, and how to make better use of what you already own.
  • Understanding familiarity bias—are you dressing the way you really want, or just repeating old habits?

Don't let the word FREE fool you.

It’s easy to dismiss something free as fluff, especially when it comes to online education. But if you’ve trained with me before (and if not, you’ll just have to trust me!), you know that we don’t do fluff around here. And this workshop is no exception.

I'm delivering 5 in-depth trainings for women who are serious about getting real results. So if you’re thinking, "No way this is worth my time because it’s free," I encourage you to think again.

I'm about to completely shift the way you think about style development....you're in for a massive transformation, just like the women who have already gone through the workshop!