I'm Going to Show You That You Really Can BE Your Own Personal Stylist
Inside this workshop, we're going to debunk the biggest myths that the fashion industry has sold you, all of which are designed to get you to buy more stuff without actually understanding how to build a wardrobe that works. Together we'll uncover the simple tools that allow any woman to create a signature style...one that makes sense for her body, lifestyle, and budget.
Effectively becoming her OWN Personal Stylist!
SIGN ME UP FOR THE WORKSHOP!Join me inside this FREE style workshop: instant access to all 5 trainings when you register for the workshop!
The Stylist In-Training Workshop
I created this workshop because my goal is to teach women the HOW and the WHY of developing their style.
To give them lifelong skills that will allow them to dress with ease....
...not "buy more stuff in order to keep up". A message that the fashion industry sends us constantly.
Most women have fallen victim into the erroneous belief that the challenges they're facing in their style can be solved by buying MORE, keeping up with trends, and following what so-called experts tell them they need to be wearing.
And so that's what they do, all the while not knowing how to actually dress their body or build a wardrobe that represents them.
I created this workshop because after 13 years of watching hundreds of women LEARN how to develop their own signature style with ease, I know with absolute certainty that the solution isn't BUYING more. It's KNOWING more.
The solution is knowing exactly what you're doing and why. It's understanding HOW to do this work yourself so that you're not relying on an "expert" to tell you what your style is....
You've learned how to BE your own Personal Stylist instead.
So what does it mean to be your OWN Stylist? What does it look like to fully understand what you're doing?
A Stylist is someone who understands the style development process and knows how to tailor it to the unique and personal needs of their client.
Being your own Stylist (which you're going to learn, is not difficult AT ALL!) means tailoring this process to your body, lifestyle and budget....in order to create a Signature Style that works for YOUR goals.
Understanding what you're doing looks like no longer guessing...but actually knowing what you're doing, and why. Knowing how to fit your body, use clothing you already own, make outfits, convey an intentional image, and strategically invest your money to build a functional wardrobe.
The style industry has lead you astray. We're going to dismantle some of the biggest myths they've sold you, and uncover the simple tools to use instead.
This is exactly how Stylist In-Training works, and what you can expect from this workshop:
- 5 style trainings that dismantle the biggest myths the fashion industry has sold you, and uncover the tools that allow you to be your own Personal Stylist.
- Delivered inside of an easy-to-use training portal, for you to watch on your own time. These are pre-recorded trainings, which means you don't have to worry about scheduling time to be with me live...you can watch them when you're free!
- Implementation exercises and assignments where you'll put our work into action and build momentum on what you're learning inside of the workshop.
- Private Facebook group to post your workshop homework, ask me your questions and get my personal feedback on style and outfits.
100% FREE to join!
I'm Jordan!
The only difference between you and I, is that I’ve got over a decade of experience working as a Personal Stylist and my guess is that if you're reading this, you don't work in the fashion industry.
And yes, some might argue that's a big difference between us, except that everything I know how to do is something you can easily learn to do as well.
The style-practices I've developed over the last 13 years are what allowed me to build a career in the entrainment industry. They're what supported me in creating a business styling women all over the world. And they're now the concepts I teach every single day in my programs and content.
It took me quite a while to figure out how the style development process works, much less to get clear on how to effectively teach it to incredible women like yourself.
Maybe you don’t walk the red carpet like some of my past clients, or sit in meetings with the president of the United States. That doesn’t mean that the styling process is any different for you….in fact it's EXACTLY the same.
Inside this workshop I'm going to show you....from an insider's perspective....that much of what the fashion industry has told you, is false. That you don't have to rely on experts to tell how how to dress, that you really can learn to be your OWN Stylist.
I know people say this all the time, but quite honestly - if I can learn how to do this work, so can you.
Some topics we'll be discussing inside the Stylist In-Training Workshop:
- What it actually means to be a woman with a Signature Style.
- Identifying mindset blocks that may have little to do with your style on the surface, but are directly impacting your relationship with how you see yourself.
- How to get clear on exactly what you want your image to convey, so that you can start building a style that matches that message.
- Why conventional body type style-education leads most women completely astray.
- Classic signs of someone who doesn't understand how to choose clothing that fits their shape.
- 60% of clothes in the average woman's closet go unworn. How to start using what you already have instead of buying more.
- Familiarity bias - is that how you actually want to dress or just what you're familiar with?
- ....and so much more!