Important Question to Think About:
If you haven't decided what you want your style to say, how can you ever represent yourself as the woman you desire to be seen as?
Inside this FREE online style course, you'll walk through the powerful 3-step process of intentionally choosing exactly what you want your style to say. Because like it or not, you're already sending a message through your style....and it may not be the one you think it is, let alone the one you desire.

If you've ever found yourself looking at another women and thinking...
"She truly commands power through the way she carries herself."
"I love how she dresses, she always looks so put together yet still approachable."
"That's SO her....I'm not surprised she wore that."
.....then you're looking at a woman with a signature style.
And the first step to actually creating a signature style, is having a consistent message that your image conveys.
Most women mistakenly skip over this essential step. They jump right into the shopping, right into the outfits, without ever deciding what they want their image to say.
Sooner or later they realize that how they dress doesn't actually represent who they are.
Not the person they know themselves to be on the inside, anyway.
You can have a closet stocked with the latest trends, continuously buy more clothes, and still not have a style that represents you.
Because dressing as the woman you desire to be seen as is not about non-stop shopping, and it has nothing to do with trends.
In fact, you shouldn't be shopping AT ALL until you've MASTERED this preliminary step...
The first step every woman MUST master (every woman who wants to be in charge of how she represents herself, anyway) is intentionally choosing the message that her style will convey.
You can think of your message like your personal marketing campaign.
You know how Target is marketed much differently than Walmart, and they each send distinctively different messages?
The same is true for you.
Your style is the outward representation of your inner self. It tells everyone you interact with, "hey, this is Target!" or "come here if you like Walmart." And even more than that, it reinforces the message to yourself.
Everyone sees Target as Target, and so they interact with it accordingly.
This is no different than you.
How do people see you, presently? And more significantly, how do YOU see yourself as?
Whether you've chosen a message to convey or not, your style is projecting one. To every one around you and also to yourself.
Why not choose EXACTLY what you want it to say?
After all, once you master a message that aligns with who you are, you access a new level of confidence within yourself, as you stand solidly represented as the person you are.
Here are the 3-steps that we'll be taking together inside the style course:

Exactly what you'll receive when you enroll in Master Your Message:
- Complete online style course inside of a private student portal.
- 10 audio trainings that walk you step-by-step through the intentional messaging process.
- Implementation style guide + work book where you will collect feedback on your current style, conduct messaging case studies, and come up with exactly what you want your style to say.
- Private Facebook group to ask me your questions and get my personal feedback on the message you create in the trainings.
100% FREE, instant access !

Shopping for new clothes before they ever decide on what they actually want their style to say.
They spend lots of money buying more of what they already have, because they think the solution to their problem (of not feeling represented in their clothes) is in the actual clothes themselves....
If they just had something new, things would get better...or so they think.
The challenge is, if you don't know what you want your style to say:
How will you ever know if you're buying the clothing that represents who you are?
Shopping for new clothes is the last thing you should do if you haven't chosen the message of your style, and inside this online style course you'll learn what to do instead!
YES, ENROLL ME IN MASTER YOUR MESSAGE!These are the types of results you can expect from my teaching method!

"I got stuck in the leggings and T-shirt rut, and this work was the hammer that broke through my chains and breathed new life into me. I feel amazing, rejuvenated and recharged!!! I feel like my old self again, proud of my body, and more confident in my clothing. Jordan is the best teacher and the other women in the group are also so amazing."

"Learning from Jordan completely transformed how I feel about style and even myself. I get complimented all the time now about how I look. Complete strangers—women and men, younger and older—go out of their way to tell me how much they love my style. That’s a complete 180-degree turn for me because I had always been rather 'invisible' before."

"Before this my style was buried. I always enjoyed style but had no idea how to find the best fitting and flattering clothes for my body type. I'm enjoying discovering what represents my style along with what I enjoy wearing. I now feel confident in choosing the clothes I wear and can easily distinguish what is suitable for my frame."

"My breakthroughs were around body acceptance right now and finding what flatters me and speaks the style message I want to portray in how I dress. I feel much better about giving to myself and investing the time in myself.
I feel confident that I can create and maintain the look that makes me feel like my best, bravest, self in my style."

"This content is mind blowing!! You have to be willing to do the work, but I assure you, it is life altering!! I’m constantly replaying the audios as they give me the motivation needed to continue to take desired and aligned action towards my goals.
Honestly, everyone would benefit from taking this program. The world would be a better place if we all looked at life the way Jordan does."

"I feel blessed to have worked with Jordan! She is a blessing in so many ways. And so generous.
I went from dreary black pants to a red dress for business event because of the confidence I gained in choosing the right outfits.
I now have clarity on my style and what I need/when I need it, helping me plan a head and save time."

Some of the topics we'll be discussing inside Master Your Message:
- The 6 ingredients of a Signature Style.
- What it means to achieve inner and outer congruency.
- Who is the woman with the most powerful image?
- You can't control what other people think of you, but you do have the power of influence.
- Why conventional style training leads to a one-size-fits-all approach to dressing that never works.
- Characteristics of women who embody their message and represent themselves accordingly.
- Turning the message you desire into style-reality.
- ....and so much more!