The 2-part style training series!

Discover How to Become the Creator of Your Ultimate Style Makeover, and Start Living at Your Fullest Potential Now!
Join me inside this 2-part training series, where I'll teach you how to create a personalized roadmap that allows you to intentionally manifest the relationship with style (and anything else!) you desire.
SIGN UP HERE!Because as much as it's used in our every day vocabulary, a lot of people don't actually understand what it means.
To manifest simply means TO CREATE.
The concept of manifestation is simply the practice of intentionally or deliberately creating something, or causing something to happen.
We're going to learn how to CREATE a deliberate, intentional relationship with style.
We're going to walk through the steps that CAUSE a style makeover - or said better, "a make-over". Which simply means to make something anew.
Everything we talk about in this training, as it applies to the concept of manifestation, applies equally to all other parts of life. Health, love, abundance, career - there's only ONE concept and it applies to every single subject (including style!) in the same way:
> Clarity in the desire, the belief that it's possible for you, and aligned action steps that bring the desire to life.

How to discover the roadmap for getting crystal clear on what you truly desire for your style, by developing a compelling vision of what your unique preferences look like, backed by a personalized strategy that shows you how to bring it to life, so that the motivation to take action is exciting and natural.
We'll explore how narrowing in your focus on what your style needs from you FIRST (think: small steps first, not do everything at once), will help you stop dressing from your comfort zone and start representing yourself at your fullest potential....
AKA resulting in YOUR style makeover!
SIGN UP HERE!Here is a look at our two style trainings:

Using my intentional roadmap, you'll narrow in on what you truly desire for your style. Not what you think you’re "supposed to" wear, or what you’ve been telling yourself you’re “allowed” to wear. I’ll show you how to uncover the type of style that is authentically YOU.
You'll learn what happens when you have motivation completely backwards, and why you actually need to see your ideas FIRST, so that you can start feeling like, and imagining the person who dresses that way NOW.

Together we'll put a personalized strategy in place, that factors in your unique vision, your lifestyle, and your goals, so that the path from where you are, to where you want to be, is just a matter of following small, intentional steps that bring your style to life.
Using the natural motivation that comes from understanding HOW to reach your goals, we’ll move your vision from desire into reality, in order to start representing yourself at your fullest potential....NOW!

Exactly how the 2-part style training works:
- Recorded training videos: to watch and implement on your own time. Approximately 3 hours long.
- Intentional exercises that foster clarity and creativity around your unique style vision and support you in implementing your personalized strategy.
- Lifetime enrollment: which means every time I remake this training (typically once per year), you'll receive the updated content at no additional cost.
- Private Facebook group to ask questions and access the support of myself and the rest of our community!
Want more details on some of the EXACT topics I'll be teaching you?
- Your Style GPS: how to narrow in on what needs your attention first, and why a personalized style-strategy guarantees a successful roadmap you can implement immediately.
- The Power of Visuals: and how to use them to get crystal clear on the unique sense of style you haven't quite been able to put your finger on.
- The 6-Ingredients to Style: that every woman must master in order to establish a signature style and finally dress the way she knows she's capable of dressing. If style currently feels confusing, it's because you're missing at least 1!
- Unconscious Conflicts: things that on the surface appear to have little to do with style, but deeper inspection shows us they're the very things that block the manifestation. These are limiting beliefs like: "I can't have what I want in this body", or "I'm not worthy of being a woman who would invest in myself". We must release these in order to cause a makeover!
- Aligned Action: this is the most significant factor separating the women who learn how to easily put themselves together…from those who wait on the fence, giving their power away to circumstances and never taking a chance on themselves.

Does this sound like you?
Here's what I know to be true...
Every woman has stylistic preferences. We don’t all want to dress the same. For the most part....we're all fairly aware of what we like.
And yet,
Until you've gotten crystal clear on what makes your style YOUR style (being able to identify a shirt you like in a store, does NOT constitute clarity in your style), and then developed a strategy that allows you to bring that style to life with ease...
It’s next to impossible to find the natural motivation to move.
And so.....most women stay standing exactly where they are right now.
Not because they believe it represents them. Not because they lack the desire to feel their best.
But because they can't see the pathway to bridge the gap. The gap between where they are currently, and the woman who dresses at her fullest potential.
If this sounds like you, you're going to be at the right place inside Manifest Your Style Makeover.
I specialize in teaching women how to find THEIR unique path. And I can't wait to teach you how easily it's done!

I'm Jordan!
In case you don't know me, I'm a Celebrity Stylist turned Personal Stylist, on a mission to transform the way women show up in their lives, by helping them align the powerful force they carry on the inside, with the way they represent themselves on the outside.
I've spent the last 13 years studying the connection between clothing and confidence, knowing that a world of opportunity opens up to you when you understand how to dress in a way that feels like YOU.
And I'm so excited to show you how that's done!
I teach style in a way that's very different from anyone else in my industry, and you're going to see that in this training series.
We're mixing personal development with personal style, to generate results that actually stick!